We all love a good hamburger 🍔. Who doesn't? Here are some tips for making a burger that is lower in cholesterol (better for heart health), higher in fiber (good for digestion, and heart health), and a healthier choice overall while still keeping that delicious goodness of a good old burger. By sticking to these guidelines, you can healthily include a burger in your diet and not sacrifice on heart health:
1. Choose very lean ground beef as your base for the burger, or better yet, stick to ground chicken or turkey. Make sure its still very lean though!
2. For the cheese, only add a half slice and make sure it's a low-fat option.
3. Add plenty of fresh toppings, like tomato, lettuce, onion, pickles.
4. Avoid extra sauces and creams, as they are the calorie culprits!
5. Go for a lower calorie bun that is whole wheat, for additional fiber. Ideally a bun under 150 calories with more than 4g of fiber would be a great choice!
Remember, it's not about cutting foods out, it's about replacing them with healthier options, managing portion sizes and adding healthy options to the meal to make it a smarter, heart and mind healthy choice! #healthy #nutrition #dietetics #dietitian #whatieatinaday #fitness #lifestyle #hearthealth #diabetes #toronto #vancouver #calgary #edmonton #winnipeg #personaltraining #gym #motivation #mealplanning #mealprep #mealprepideas